Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try Brush4Brush before signing up for a Membership?

We’ve made it completely risk-free to try Brush4Brush. We offer a full, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee on every Brush4Brush Membership. If you receive your first membership and decide that Brush4Brush isn't for you, and cancel your subscription within your first month, we'll refund 100% of your purchase price minus the shipping and handling.

When will my first Brush4Brush delivery arrive?

From order, your first brush will take 7-10 days to arrive, and will then arrive every month after that.

How will we tell our Brushes apart?

We have made getting your Brush4Brush toothbrush a fun experience for the family every month. Your delivery contains brushes of different colored dipped handles & bristles, so you can always tell whose Brush4Brush is whose. The same goes for kids' brushes - they'll always be different too. Your kids will love seeing what color brush they receive every month.

What happens if I change address?

That's easy! When you subscribe, you create a user account with us - and anytime you like, you can log into your account and change your address or credit card information.

Does a bamboo toothbrush feel different?

Yes, it does feel a little different to the plastic you've been putting in your mouth your whole life. But it doesn't take much getting used to at all, and it's a much nicer thing to be staring at in the bathroom mirror!

Can I choose my Color?

No. Well at least, not yet. We may offer this in future, but for the time being we'll send you different color bristles each month.

Can I get a medium or hard bristle?

Your dentist will tell you that medium or hard bristles will damage your teeth and gums. And we can't help you do that! You'll find you quickly get used to a soft-bristled brush and your teeth will thank you for it :-)

Can I buy Brush4Brush as a gift for someone?

Yes, absolutely, Go to the Membership page and click on the Gift Brush4Brush and create a gift account for that person.

Can I track my order?

Yes, just reach out to Heather and she will help you track your delivery and if your brush goes missing in transit we will happily provide a replacement brush.

My Brush hasn't arrived — what do I do?

Our deliveries make it to our subscribers 99% of the time - but every now and then one goes astray.

If it's been more than 15 days since you got an email to tell you this month's subscription pack was on its way, please email us at and we'll help you track it down.

I'm moving — how can I change my address?

That's easy. Click 'login' at the top left of this page. Sign in with your account details to go to your account page, and once you're there, click the 'Manage Subscriptions' link on the right hand side of the page.

On the next page, under 'My Subscription' you'll see your address - click the 'Edit' link next to your address, edit your address, and then click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page.

You're done, and all future deliveries will go to your new address.

Please note - if you change your address after we've dispatched your brush for the month, that brush will go to your previous address and all future brushes will be sent to your new address.

My credit card has expired (or is about to expire) — what should I do?

That's easy. Click 'login' at the top left of this page. Sign in with your account details to go to your account page, and once you're there, click the 'Manage Subscriptions' link at the top of the page.

On the next page, underneath your name, click the 'Manage my billing information' link. Then click the 'Update card' link on the right hand side of the next page. Enter your new credit card details on this page and click 'save'.

You're done, and all future charges will be billed to this card.

Do you have a question that you can't find an answer to here? Contact us anytime!